
Privacy Statement












· 当您在我们的某个网站注册后,您搜索了某些产品信息或点击了某个网站,您的信息有可能被透露给第三方; 

· 我们使用第三方服务提供商来替我们提供产品、服务或功能(例如发送邮件、电子新闻或处理订阅申请),我们会要求这些服务提供商同意并遵守您的可辨认个人身份的信息的保密条款,不可将您的信息用作其他用途;

· 我们授权第三方,例如提供我们认为您可能感兴趣的产品的广告商,使用我们的用户邮寄名单(在这种情况下,我们不向他们提供您的电子邮件地址);

· 我们事先与您联系过并告知您我们有可能代表第三方向您发送电子邮件,而您并没有拒绝接受这样的邮件;

· 您将个人信息透露给某个《一步步新技术》控股的实体时(在此情况下,当一个实体控制另一个20%或以上的股权时便视为控股);

· 我们需要保护我们的合法权益(例如我们要收回您拖欠我们的款项);

· 我们必须遵守相关法律、法规或义务程序,或与本隐私声明适用的网站从事的所有或部分业务的出售、并购、转移、交换或其他产权处置(不论是资产、股票或其他)相关的。


· 我们必须遵守相关法律、法规或义务程序,或与本隐私声明适用的网站从事的所有或部分业务的出售、并购、转移、交换或其他产权处置(不论是资产、股票或其他)相关的。



















Privacy statement

Purpose of this privacy statement

This privacy statement describes how SbSTM uses personally identifiable information about you. This information is collected when you visit a website related to this privacy statement.

What is personally identifiable information

"Personally identifiable information" is information that we can use to identify you as an individual. Personally identifiable information includes your name, address, telephone number and other information related to you.

Information not applicable to this privacy statement

This privacy statement does not apply to information about you collected by others outside SbSTM, and only applies to websites related to this privacy statement. The information you provide when you visit sites not covered by this privacy statement is regulated by the privacy statements of the organizations that operate or/and own those sites. This statement does not apply to information you provide to us through non-network forms.

Collection of personally identifiable information

SbSTM generally collects your personally identifiable information with your knowledge and consent. Certain areas of our website require registration, and you must provide personal information to access these areas. When you participate in sweepstakes or contests, fill out questionnaires, or subscribe to our magazines or electronic news, we will ask you to provide such things as email address, name, phone number and mailing address. We may also solicit other demographic information. This information may be collected by third-party service agencies on our behalf, and they can only use this information under the instructions of SbSTM.

SbSTM uses this information to provide you with the services you request. If you have subscribed to our magazine, we may use your email address to send you a confirmation letter, and send your subscribed magazine to your mailing address. Similarly, if you participate in an online lottery, if you win, we will use this information to notify you. When SbSTM launches new services or a third party requests SbSTM to promote to users on their behalf, we may also use the information you provide to contact you via email or offline. If you do not want to receive emails from us, please click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

If you post information on our forum, that information will be public and we cannot control how others use that information.

In addition, SbSTM may provide your personally identifiable information to other companies or individuals under the following circumstances:

· After you register on one of our websites, you search for certain product information or click on a certain website, your information may be disclosed to a third party;

· We use third-party service providers to provide us with products, services or functions (such as sending emails, e-news, or processing subscription applications), and we will require these service providers to agree to and comply with the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information Terms and conditions, do not use your information for other purposes;

· We authorize third parties, such as advertisers who provide products that we think may be of interest to you, to use our user mailing list (in this case, we will not provide them with your email address);

· We have contacted you in advance and informed you that we may send you emails on behalf of a third party, and you have not refused to accept such emails;

· When you disclose your personal information to an entity controlled by SbSTM (in this case, when one entity controls another 20% or more of the equity, it is regarded as holding);

· We need to protect our legitimate rights and interests (for example, we want to recover the money you owe us);

· We must comply with relevant laws, regulations or obligatory procedures, or in relation to the sale, merger, transfer, exchange or other disposal of property rights (whether assets, stocks or other) of all or part of the business engaged in by the website to which this privacy statement applies.

SbSTM also shares website usage information about our website users with third parties with good reputation, the purpose of which is to formulate future promotion plans and update visitor information in statistical reports.

· We must comply with relevant laws, regulations or obligatory procedures, or in relation to the sale, merger, transfer, exchange or other disposal of property rights (whether assets, stocks or other) of all or part of the business engaged in by the website to which this privacy statement applies.


SbSTM (or a third-party service provider on our behalf) may place cookies on your computer and read them. A cookie is a small piece of data (often containing a unique mark) that is sent from a websites computer to your browser and stored on your computers hard drive. SbSTM uses cookies to understand the use of the website and improve the content and functions of our website.

We may use cookies to control the display of advertisements, track the usage patterns of websites, deliver article content, record subscription applications and personalize information.

Our cookies may contain personally identifiable information, and these cookies may be shared with third parties as mentioned earlier.

SbSTM (or third-party service providers on our behalf) may also use cookies to collect anonymous general information about website users. We may share this general user information with our potential and current business partners, advertisers and other third parties for any commercial purposes.

Some of our advertisers may also place cookies for you. We have no control over these cookies placed by advertisers.

If you do not want to receive cookies, most web browsers include an option that allows you to refuse cookies. However, if you set your browser to reject cookies, some parts of our website may not work effectively.

IP address

Your Internet Protocol (IP) address is usually associated with where you enter the Internet, such as your Internet service provider, your company, or school. We may use your IP address to help us diagnose problems with our servers, collect general demographic information and manage our website.

Children and parents

The websites covered by this privacy statement do not expect underage users, especially users under the age of 13. Users under the age of 13 are not allowed to provide any personal information or use our public discussion areas, forums or chat services. Minors between the ages of 13 and 17 must be allowed by their parents or legal guardians to subscribe to magazines on our website.

If your child leaks information about them in our public discussions, they may receive information from other people without their consent. Therefore, you should tell them not to do that.

If you are concerned about your children's activities on our website or their privacy, please contact us in time.

Foreign users

If you are located outside of the People's Republic of China, please note that the information you provide will be transmitted to the People's Republic of China. Your use of this website is regarded as consent to the transmission of information.

Privacy statement changes and notices

SbSTM will change this privacy statement from time to time as needed. Your continued use of our website indicates that you agree to this privacy statement and its revised version. If you have any questions or concerns about the use of your personally identifiable information, please feel free to contact us.

The latest revision date of this statement is March 5, 2017

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  • 邮箱:ivyt@actintl.com.hk
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